Kimberly Jones

Kimberly Jones
Welcome to my World

Saturday, August 14, 2010


I once believed my happiest days were behind me. Thru Divorce I found myself asking," How much pain can one person take?" I remember when I hit rock bottom I didn’t want to be here anymore.. A pain I never experienced before. I never felt depression like that. What I had seen as a little girl for my grown up life sure didn't look like what I was staring at.

Then it all changed. I got on my knees and asked God to help me, help me to persevere, help me to forgive, help me to be a better person and most important help me to do HIS will. My life changed. I started with the most positive attitude. You see fear builds mountains Faith removes them. Lot’s of positive affirmations (positive self talk) Every time a negative thought entered my mind I would fight it with my Faith. I believed there was so much more than just going through the motions of life. I wanted to live and live more than I have ever lived before. I realized God had a purpose in my life.

God showed me how precious life is. I will never take for granted what I have been blessed with. I will spend my life giving back. The tallest I ever stood was when I got down on my knees.
Thank you Jesus....
God Bless & Believe Today Will Be The Best Day of The Rest of Your Life!!


Unknown said...

I am again in awe of your brilliance and accurate skills in being able to touch the heart and soul of a matter, wow Kim, I am glad to know you because every word was for me and if for me then for all who read them will want to own them...

Marthea said...

I have such an appreciation for you. I think I sometimes take for granted that I have you in my life & don't tell you how much I truly care & adore you, but I do Kimberly. You're a wonderful person. I thank God for allowing you to share your life with me. I'm going on record & say, you are my FRIEND (don't tell anyone I used that word) ;). I love you bud!