Kimberly Jones

Kimberly Jones
Welcome to my World

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Turning Ur Scars into Stars

Quitting + Me= just not an option! I can honestly look back on my life and realize I made some terrible mistakes. I can’t go back and change anything that happened. I really don't know that I would if I could. These mistakes molded me into who I am today so I choose to realize they now have become learning experiences and I can certainly have a better future. There were many times I wanted to quit. I was at the end of my rope a few times. God gave me a little more slack! Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will end. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.

People will not always celebrate your diliverence or your change. They will become the devil's advocate trying to keep you tied to your previous circumstances,reminding you of who you were and making you doubt who you have become. Don't listen! YOU have the Authority as a child of God to delete them from your memory file of people who matter.. You will also discover that people from your past will gossip and lie about you(this is the devils way of keeping you bound as well if you allow) They will try to ambush any kind of new beginning for you..They can't touch you! They may benefit by keeping a few new people from becoming your friends because they decided to believe your past history rather than getting to know you themselves..This means you didn't need them either and in some way was God's protection for you...

I remember, at one point in my journey of reclaiming my life and healing as the new me when I felt a tremendous amount of defeat and discouragement. It felt like people from everywhere were gossiping about human side was sad because they had NO idea of the situation and were judging me off of hear say and gossip(and my past)...I cried out to God about it his response to me was," Kimberly don't you say a word to any of them...don't retaliate! You just live so no one believes them!" Hard? YES! I obeyed God that night and he was right..! I discovered during this season of God doing reconstructive surgery on my heart a huge amount of unconditonal love for humans..I promised God that I would Never ever judge a book by it's covor and that I would love people right where they were in their journey..I promised that I would be there for people in my current situation so they didn't have to feel alone...I can truly say,"I am and have walked this out in the lives of others" I absolutely have a Love for people like never before...God turned my scars into scars and my pain into my pulpit....

The two most important things that changed my life. My faith in God (Having a relationship with Jesus) and a positive attitude everyday! By doing this I went from ordinary to extraordinary. People always say “Kimberly you’re always so happy, you’re always in a good mood” please know it isn’t like bad things don’t happen to me. I’m in the same economy as everyone else; I have problems I have to figure out everyday. I speak with friends that are going through things that break my heart. It’s not about the situation it’s how you react to the situation. I start my day with thanksgiving. It goes back to when we were kids how we always wanted things, but many times we forgot to say those words our parents reminded us of “Thank you” Try starting your day by thanking God. Thanking him for the chance to walk in a life free from torment, loneliness and confusion. For giving you wisdom in all that you do and for giving you decernment in your life to choose the right folk to surround yourself with...Then choose a great attitude. There is only 2 kinds of days you truly can have,"Great and Good" :))Your life will start changing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This would be me also. Im going through all of this with family. Family members that dont agree with my choices for changing my life. I realized that my whole life I did everything to make everyone else happy. That I never took the time to make myself happy and be me. I am the happiest I have ever been but my family continues to gossip and reveal things that I said in confidence to them to other people. I dont understand why,, and also trying to destroy my relationship with a new man in my life. I said to some of them: All I have ever done is cattered to you and made you happy so why cant I get that in return. One is my own sister, I just had to finally say no more and let go. Thanks Kim