Kimberly Jones

Kimberly Jones
Welcome to my World

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Being Contagious EVERY Day!

Attitude is Everything!

People are so much alike. The one thing that sets people apart is
Attitude. You can change your life by changing your attitude. I
absolutely know this because I did it. My change of attitude altered my life. First off I don’t want to take away from the fact it is my faith
in God that directly changed my attitude. It not only made a huge
impact on my happiness and my success it also had an impact on my
friends, family, my relationships and people I never met. Attitude is
contagious! Is your attitude worth catching? It’s never to late to

Remember attitude is a choice. In life I have always had goals I
strive for. I wrote them down as a young girl. I still do it as an
adult.(I have journals everywhere;) But what’s difference is my enthusiasm and my attitude. It’s never to late to become what you could have been! We become what we think! I can’t fully explain this but when I believe good things will happen they usually do. If you think positive thoughts you get positive results, if you think negative thoughts you will get negative results. I have learned to expect good things.

Henry Ford once said “Whether you think you can, or think you
can’’re right! This positive attitude becomes easier and easier. Why? Because I love being happy.

I love to see people happy! One of the most wonderful things about
having a positive attitude is the number of people you touch. When you make others happy you become happy! The more you give, the more you get back! Even with my positive attitude, goals and enthusiasm we are all faced with adversity in life. It’s how you react to that adversity will dictate your success or failure. I have had some difficult times in my life, lost loved ones and have had some major setbacks but it’s my Faith in God that sustains me. This faith gives me the courage and strength to fulfill the purpose God has for me. So if you ever meet me and say “Kimberly how ya doing?” I will say FABULOUS!! If not I’ll give you 10 bucks! LOL

Have a Beautiful Day & Decide today will be the BEST Day of the REST OF YOUR LIFE!


Unknown said...

I am enjoying every piece throughly Kim, great opening, middle, and ending...You truly blessed and highly favored...Thank you for sharing you...Be Blessed, not Stressed, Amen...

Marthea said...

I told you a while ago you were contagious girl...alot of ppl have caught what you have and more are catching it everyday. You the BEST!!!