Kimberly Jones

Kimberly Jones
Welcome to my World

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Take the Drivers seat.. Drive Baby DRIVE!

Taking control of your life Now... this is the time “Take control of your Life” How many times do we hear someone say "Life is flying by? Where did the time go?" That’s exactly how I felt. I needed to do something about that feeling. I needed to take control of my life! I didn’t want to go through life thinking I wish I could of, I wish I would of. I was determined to make sure my life wasn’t about the “What ifs” So many wait for the 'perfect time' we waste years of our lives waiting on the perfect time. I am here to tell you the ‘perfect time’ never comes unless you make it so.

Sometimes we go through so much of our life feeling like a victim. A victim of a bad relationship, a victim of the economy, a victim of bad business deals whatever it may have been. Most people are victims, victims of their own perception. I no longer feel like a victim, in fact I refuse to be a victim, because I’m in CONTROL! Sometimes friends mistake kindness for weakness. When we are going through our own adversity we neglect confrontation with friends and/or family mostly out of convenience, therefore you may feel taken advantage of.

Don’t look at these situations as mistakes; look at them as learning experiences. Stop this behavior. It’s no one’s fault but your own. This year surround yourself with positive people. To make this work in my life I had to get real honest with myself. Being honest with yourself is the first step in taking control of your life. So let’s take control of our lives!

What is it that bothers you? Are you moody, Jealous, sad, depressed, complaining all the time, feeling tired, no energy, in debt, lazy, a drunk or junkie, can you be a better parent, a better friend, a better person?

What is important to you? Money, freedom, happiness, security, self-respect, love, power, comfortable living, beauty, helping others, etc. Here are a few things that really helped me in my life.
1. Positive attitude: Other than my faith in God this was the key to my happiness. Throughout the day I continue with positive self talk. “It’s going to happen,” “I can do this,” “It’s going to be OK”
2. Take care of yourself: It’s much easier to be positive when you are eating well, exercising, and getting enough rest.
3. Be Thankful: We all go through adversity in life. Take the time to appreciate the good things you have. Some people believe the grass is greener over there or over here. Let me tell you “The Grass is greenest where you water it”
4. Set Goals: Write them down! Here are a few categories of goals I set for this year: personal relationships, work, health, finances and spirituality. List a few goals in each category. Set short term and long term goals. Remember you create your life - so start now by setting your goals.
5. Take Action: Goals are worthless without action. If you have written long-term and short-term goals and prioritized them, you have a plan of action. Take it slow. Do something each day that takes you closer to what you want. Enjoy the journey.
6. Forgiveness: Sometimes people are so fixated on a door that closed in their life they miss the doors of happiness opening up all around them. Remember someone who angers you controls you. Forgive: it’s the most liberating feeling in the world!
7. Self-discipline: Self-discipline is the final step that takes all that we have learned and puts it into action. This is a trait that for most of us has to be developed. To reach our goals we must visualize them as already being accomplished and have faith that we can reach them. When you believe in and trust yourself and have enough desire, self-discipline comes easily.

Remember, It is a process to change old habits. YOU will stumble but stumble forward so your already ahead when you get up..Don't focus your sights on what you did or didn't do...START NOW! Life has a way about it,"YOU concentrate on the Now and the OLD is replaced with Beautiful Blessings called NEW MEMORIES:)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Absolutely Beautiful Kim. I am very touched, moved, and impressed with your wisdom and writing ablity...I would take action, or I will take action after reading this most inspiring piece...Brilliant writing...